Comprehensive education that covers it all in 8 weeks (scroll down to see the 4 weeks & private lesson schedule)
Class 1
How to reduce pain, save energy, and make labor more efficient
Coping strategies
Exercises for comfort during pregnancy and labor preparation
Labor coaching, relaxation, and massage technique
Class 2
Nutrition during pregnancy
Relaxation technique
Class 3
The stages of labor and birth (what to expect in the natural course of labor)
How to labor with and without an epidural
Pushing positions during birth
Pushing positions with and without an epidural
How to support and be an advocate for the birthing person
Practice labor scenarios
Relaxation and massage technique
Class 4
Cascade of interventions and how to avoid
All about epidural pain relief
Creating a birth plan and all your birth options and preferences
Relaxation technique
Class 5
All about the process of induction
Hormones during labor, their benefits, and their role
Relaxation technique
Class 6
Variations and unexpected situations in labor and birth and your options
All about c-section birth and your options
Relaxation technique
Class 7
Body positioning and techniques for comfort and progress
Class 8
Basic baby care
Mini series and standard 4 session private curriculum
Class 1
How to reduce pain, save energy, and make labor more efficient
Coping strategies
Exercises for comfort during pregnancy and labor preparation
Labor coaching, relaxation, and massage technique
Class 2
The stages of labor and birth (what to expect in the natural course of labor)
How to labor with and without an epidural
Pushing positions during birth
Pushing positions with and without an epidural
How to support and be an advocate for the birthing person
Practice labor scenarios
Relaxation and massage technique
Class 3
Cascade of interventions and how to avoid
All about epidural pain relief
Creating a birth plan and all your birth options and preferences
Relaxation technique
Class 4
Body positioning and techniques for comfort and progress
*Private lessons can add additional topics and topics can be switched.